“A father is someone you look up to, no matter how tall you grow!”
In a perfect world, in a perfect life situation, people follow the plan. The plan for every girl since they were young enough to play with barbies, is…… I am going to finish college, date a guy, get married, and have two kids.
Do you think we followed this perfect life plan? Well, we didn’t. I was in college and I called Chris in the parking lot and said the words, “ I am pregnant.” It was like a ton of bricks on OUR life plan. A ton of bricks because Chris and I were both in college finishing our degrees.
Chris never once told me he couldn’t do it. Chris never once said, “I can’t be a father.” Chris never once said, “let’s not go through with this.” He stuck it out. He made it work. We made it work, together.
Do we have money to blow? Absolutely not. Do we have all the expensive, material things in life that I wish I had? Of course not. But do you know what I will take over any material thing? A good father.
To Chris,
Thank you for giving me my perfect fairy tale. My perfect crazy messy (spit up all over the house) fairy tale.Thank you for sticking it out through all those sleepless nights. Thank you for sticking by my side from the day I told you I was pregnant. Thank you for holding my hand through labor and whispering in my ear, “you can do this baby!” Thank you for loving these babies as much as you love me. I don’t know how I could do this awesome life without you.
Happy Father’s Day to a truly amazing dad,