My best friend and photographer Justine Culp!
Confleur Brunch with my best girl friends!
Wurth Farms Pumpkin Patch
Mccracken County Soccer. We are going to miss our soccer friends so much!
BBQ on the river!- The biggest event in Paducah.
Touchdown and Tunes on Riverfront!
Smedley Yeiser Paducah- Such a unique fun bar!
Pipers Tea and Coffee- Best coffee shop in town!
The first photoshoot with Annslee Kate at the pink wall!
Paducah SNOW!!
Downtown Paducah Carriage Rides
Noble Park
This blog post is a special one because it is something that has been heavy on my heart for quite some time. I am actually crying while typing the words in my little Chandler Park Apartment. Boxes are packed up and ready for the next Schwartz family adventure. For months I knew about this move. Chris and I have moved every single year since we have been together. From Martin, to Lawrenceburg, to Paducah, and finally to Nashville. But this move will by far be the hardest.
Before we came to Paducah, people would comment on my Facebook and tell me, “Oh Paducah is such a cute town! You are going to love it!”. Cute? Well, duh it’s cute, but cute doesn’t give Paducah enough justice. Small? You bet! I can’t count how many times I would go to the grocery store and see someone I know. Paducah is more than just cute or small, it’s a community. The definition of community is a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
This community is thriving with small businesses. Do you want to start your own event planning business? DO IT! Do you want to open up your own shop, photography business, or start a blog? GO for it and we will help promote you. If you are ever on the fence of going outside the norm and starting a business every little local shop will lift you up. They will tell their friends, their colleagues, and their families.
We didn’t have family here and if you have kids you know that it takes a village. A village is exactly what we had. Justine’s mom would help baby sit. Kenzie and Justine were on the list to pick up my babies. We even had friends do late night diaper runs. My friends became family. Saying goodbye is hard, I hate it, and it makes me cry. But goodbyes have to be done.
To Olivia: Thanks for inviting me into the group and showing me around in Paducah. If it wasn’t for you Chris and I would not have any friends here. I think you are so sweet and you have such a kind heart!! Thank you so much for being so kind and sweet to us! I will never forget some of the best Friendsgiving parties!
To Sarah: You are the most beautiful mother for sweet Sailor. Everything you do has always been in her best interest and you are a wonderful role model for her. Not to mention, you are seriously a mom boss. Your work ethic is not to be ignored. I can’t wait to see what your future holds with Adam and Sailor. I hope I can be there to help celebrate every minute of happiness with you.
To Allison: You are the sweetest most genuine person I have ever met. You always stand up for the underdog and you hate the feeling of leaving anyone out. You have so many friends because of your kind and sweet heart. You and Blake would give the shirt off your backs if you had to. I can’t wait to see the beautiful family you guys will have one day. I have loved watching you two grow into the couple you are now.
To Emily: Thank you for all your event planning advice and expertise that you given to me so freely. You taught me the value to follow through with my word and take pride in your “name”. You are loyal beyond belief. I will miss our frequent game nights in stretch pants. Those were truly some of the best times of my life. Every time I asked if I could bring the kids (because I am the only one with kids) you said yes without hesitation. Thanks for loving my kids like your own.
To Kenzie: Just the words to Kenzie made me break down in tears. Watching you hold Annslee Kate or take interest in Grayson’s toys shows what type of mother you are going to be. I am crying because I know we would do fun mommy things together all the time, like lunches at the park and Wednesday at Make but I am going to be here like I want to do those things with you. I am seriously waiting on the day you tell me that your baby is here and you can finally hold him/her in your arms. You and Blake are going to be wonderful parents. I will always be here if you need love, advice, or just a shoulder to cry on when things get tough.
To Justine: OH MAN.. I don’t know how I am going to get through this and I seriously don’t know where to begin. The first time I met you, you were doing this really funny dance and I thought to myself, “that girl is going to be my best friend.” Every time I am happy, upset, or mad, you are there. I still remember being so afraid about Annslee Kate falling asleep at night and you got all the girls together to buy her a monitor to prevent SIDS. You knew I was anxious and scared and you were right there with open arms. We share the same love for photography so it was fun having a buddy to come shoot with me.
Your love for Paducah was contagious and it made me fall in love with her too. We will never forget you and Allison dancing in your grey tees, jeans and a sweater, nights at dry ground, Aaron almost getting hit by a car while taking our pics, and the famous Joni’s cheeseball. I know, I know, I am only two hours away but it’s going to be hard for our friend ship. I will try as hard as I can to make it feel like I am still only a few streets away. I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for you. I can’t wait to see what you and Aaron can accomplish together. You two make an amazing team. I have a feeling its going to be your year and I can’t wait to watch. I love you with all of my heart.
Thank you Paducah for inviting us in and supporting my little Schwartz family.
Until we meet again,