
I mean look at her though?? She is so freaking gorgeous. So I guess you can say my inner pretty women is coming out. But not the hooker boots pretty women. The diamond wearing, off the shoulder, and white gloves pretty women. Do you not get so mad when they won’t let her shop at that expensive store in Beverly Hills? I get mad about that every time. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to look gorgeous. I am a huge believer in affordable fashion. There is nothing wrong with spending a lot of money on fashion if you want…. but my mind changes up too much to spend a lot on one item. (Except when it comes to purses and sunnies- some things you need to spend the money on! 😉 ) Also, these blue shoes in this blog post are my favorite shoes ever. You would think that color wouldn’t go with anything but it actually goes with everything! You have to get some blue shoes.

Thanks for shopping and laughing with me,